
We provided consumer insights to Knowunity and recommended actionable changes and solutions. Our study optimized the time taken to find other users on Knowunity by 75% and improved the marketing materials.


Duration: 5 weeks

Team: 4 researchers + me, 2 Project Managers

Tools: Figma, FigJam, Zoom, G-Suite

About Knowunity

Knowunity is an EdTech startup from Germany, aimed to help students share notes about subjects. As our client, Knowunity requested our services to investigate and recommend design solutions focused on closing the divide between user expectations and their initial impressions of the app.

Our team of 5 UX Researchers, conducted remote moderated interviews with 14 participants from our target group, which consisted of middle and high school students. The key objective was to understand the expectations of this demographic regarding Knowunity and identify ways in which Knowunity could align with these expectations to boost its retention rate in the US.          

And I…

Led the UX Audit and found usability issues, synthesized qualitative data into affinity maps, moderated interviews with high-school students, ideated solutions using Figma and FigJam, wrote reports, presented findings to the founders, project managers, marketing department and developers.      



Based on the kickoff meeting, we used these three research questions to guide our study:

  • How can Knowunity convey its value to new users?

  • How do new users perceive Knowunity?

  • What key areas can Knowunity shift its focus on?


All of our insights were implemented!

  1. Launch of ‘Study Rooms’, a dedicated feature for studying together.

  2. A change in its marketing materials to better convey the platform's value proposition.

  3. A 75% time reduction to find users on the platform

  4. Addition of a ‘Teacher Verified’ badge on notes to ensure authenticity.


To answer the mentioned questions, we decided to use the following methods in a systematic sequence.


We swiftly kicked off the project with a client meeting and met with the project managers. With our tight 4-week deadline, we set up a meticulous plan with weekly milestones to be achieved both individually as we as a team. 

Conducting Interviews

To understand the needs of new Knowunity users, we decided to conduct in-depth interviews with students unfamiliar with the app. Prioritizing student privacy, we ensured parental consent and kept app details confidential unless requested. Interviews lasted 45+ minutes and we utilized RICE scoring to identify key issues for improvement.

We screened participants by asking about their usual study apps, ensuring only first-time Knowunity users participated. 

We recruited fourteen participants, all of whom are currently middle or high schoolers in the United States.  

Interview Outline

Our remote interviews simulated a first-time app download experience.  

To learn about the expectations and initial impressions, we conducted interviews simulating the usual first session experience, focusing on understanding how middle and high school students typically download apps as well as their first sessions and how their expectations evolve at each stage of this process.

We utilised Affinity Maps to find common themes in our interviews. We had a large collection of qualitative data and wanted to quickly look into key common areas where attention was needed.

Data Synthesis

RICE Scores

Additionally, we used the RICE scoring method for prioritizing the pain points and issues.

Since we were unable to quantify or measure the effort during the time of the research, we just deployed the RIC (Reach x Impact x Confidence) and prioritized the findings we needed to address.


We found two key insights:

  1. Users loved the social aspect of the app, however, Knowunity needed to refine it more. So we suggested usability improvements and a new feature, “Study Rooms”.

  2. Knowunity was unable to present its value proposition clearly to first-time consumers.

Key Insight 1 of 2

Make socializing easier on the app

60% of Knowunity’s downloads come from Snapchat and TikTok.

Consumers perceive Knowunity as a social media platform for learning and want to connect with others.

Knowunity can match the users' mental models by placing socialization in the spotlight. I noticed how hidden and indirect it was to find other users on the app or to add them to group chats.

We also considered suggesting a reward-based ‘referral system’ to add new users to Knowunity - usually a classmate or friend.

“I guess I can add other friends and study together in this.”

-Participant (Grade 8)

Our Solution

Now Introducing… STUDY ROOMS!!

We brainstormed ‘Study Rooms’, a feature that lets students study together, in real-time!

This feature was inspired by apps such as Discord where users come together in channels to discuss their topics of interest.

The safety of users was the most important when ideating the feature.  

A usability issue made socializing frustrating…

Optimizing finding friends…

I noticed how hard it was to find a classmate on Knowunity’s platform.

Considering how users wanted to collaborate with their classmates on this app, I did a cognitive walkthrough to see if it was easy enough to do so.

Finding users on the platform was extremely hidden. It took a long while for me and later, my teammates to figure out how to find someone.

Key Insight 2 of 2

Unwise Marketing

Knowunity does not show its stand-out features early on for students to get interested in using it.

Interviewees perceived Knowunity to be an app similar to competitors like Khan Academy or Quizlet, however, they were pleasantly surprised. 

The catch? Since the students were tasked to explore the app thoroughly for 5 to 10 minutes and use any feature they wanted, we hypothesized that this was because it was a compulsory step in the interview process.

We encountered additional concerns and issues that needed resolution:

Problem 1 of 3

Recommendation 1 of 3

Participants didn’t realize the appeal of features like My AI, Chat, and QuizWhiz until they tried and explored the app directly.

TikTok ads and Sign-Up process did not convey this.

While many interviewed students expressed a strong liking for My AI, Chat, and QuizWhiz features within Knowunity, it was noted that they did not anticipate these features based on the ads, App Store page, or sign-in process. Knowunity's potential and popular features remained concealed initially, despite ultimately exceeding user expectations.

It's like a movie trailer
a teaser that leads to an enjoyable experience.

-Participant, Grade 10

It had more than I expected—more pages and tools than I thought.

-Participant, Grade 9

Introduce key features from the start

Because students perceive Knowunity to be ‘just another study app’ like Khan Academy or Quizlet, they fail to realize its stand-out point.

Our interviewees loved My AI, Chat and QuizWhiz - they never expected these features. The advertisements and marketing materials on the App Store and Play Store proved to be indirect and failed at attracting users.

It would increase the user’s curiosity to explore the app and sign-up if they realise how special Knowunity is as a study-companion. 

As of January 2024, Knowunity updated its marketing material as per our recommendation. This is the current material from the Play Store.

Problem 2 of 3

Recommendation 2 of 3

Users had no idea of KP and Volunteer Hours

Knowunity provides certified volunteer hours in exchange for notes. These can be used on college applications. However, our interviewees failed to understand their inclusion. There was confusion regarding KP (Know Points), an in-app currency used to exchange for Volunteer Hours. 

Knowunity’s in-app gamification that uses 2 different terms (KP and Volunteer Hours) leads to unnecessary jargon which provides an underwhelming experience for first-time users who have no idea.

Initially, I thought volunteer hours were like community service for school transcripts...

-Participant, Grade 10

Remove unnecessary jargon and use a uniform language throughout the platform.

Knowunity needs to inform the users about this feature during the onboarding. It is also a good idea to use only one term and provide an easy way to process this information understandably. 

Problem 3 of 3

Participants were hesitant to rely on content on Knowunity’s platform.

They felt unsure of it.

Knowunity monitors its content and group chats,  but there is no information provided about it. Our interviewees were sceptical of the content on Knowunity and the safety of the group chats.

Do they like.. check the notes before they post them on here?

-Participant, Grade 11

Is there a way to check if the conversations in the chats are appropriate for the app?

-Participant, Grade 12

Recommendation 3 of 3

Build trust by informing users that the content and chats are verified and safe

Users had no reassurance regarding the content or messages in the group chat. 

Knowunity, later introduced ‘Teacher Verified’ badges and ‘Top Learner’ badges to increase users’ confidence in the platform.

We were joined by the Knowunity team at the Berlin HQ. They found our presentation very helpful and were especially pleased with the insights we conveyed to them. 


Working with a start-up as researchers, my team and I ensured that our findings for Knowunity included both the A/B test versions.

A/B Tests

Our client would have never realized how hidden and indirect their search feature was if I did not do a UX Audit by myself.

Being self-driven

Opportunities for Knowunity

Knowunity has a lot of potential. It is an all-in-one app that can compete with popular study apps if marketed correctly. However, my team and I noticed some areas for focus and development. We are keeping in touch with Knowunity to understand the impact of our research.

Knowunity needs a clear design system as well as a clear UI to make a strong impression to its first-time consumers.

Design System

Social Media

Knowunity was perceived to be like a social media platform for learning, if branded and designed correctly, it can be a game-changer.

Time is money

Given a time-limit of 4 to 5 weeks, we had to strictly stick to our set milestones. Every minute was important.

Convincing is key

In the end, it depends on your client if they want to implement your recommendation or not. Convincing the client is key, no matter how excellent your insights are.

One of our participants was a homeschooler who loved the idea of a community to help with studies. This was an insight into an untapped market for Knowunity.

The Homeschool Market